Staples Canada Announces Acquisition of Two Canadian Office Supply Dealers

This announcement was sent to us from John DeFranco, Chief Commercial Officer for Staples Canada, and Michelle Micuda, President of Staples Professional.

Dear Vendor Partner,

Today marks an important milestone for Staples Professional and Staples Canada. We are pleased to announce that Staples Professional, a wholly owned subsidiary of Staples Canada, has acquired two Canadian-based office supplies dealers. These organizations are successfully operated family-owned and run businesses that operate under the banners of Denis Office Supplies and Furniture and Supreme Basics.

These acquisitions allow us to bring together great brands — Staples Professional, Denis and Supreme — to better service businesses across Canada. Our businesses will provide improved benefits to our business customers and allows us to get more of your products and services into additional sales channels and in front of more customers. Together, we will have a strong supply chain with an expanded delivery and furniture installation network. We will continue to focus on exceptional customer service at every step along the customer journey.

The announcement today does not affect day-to-day operations for any of our brands. We will continue to operate as usual, as separate entities, until further notice.

Denis Office Supplies and Furniture and Supreme Basics will continue to purchase through their existing Basics agreements.

We will continue to share updates and details as we work to bring these great brands and our product assortments together over the coming months. Should you have any questions or require further information, please reach out to your Staples Category Manager directly.

We look forward to working with you, our strategic vendor partners, to continue to grow our brands in Canada.