Wilson Electronics, weBoost

Why your bad cell signal isn’t necessarily the carrier’s fault – Troy Media

By Jeff Gudewicz on April 24, 2020

“If you find yourself cursing your cellular provider for the lack of cell signal, remember that it just might be the fault of your car or building’s construction materials or even that leafy tree to your right.

However, there is something the average consumer can do to reduce both 4G and 5G dead zones: install cellular signal boosters in their homes and vehicles. Cellular signal boosters from providers like Wilson Electronics and their consumer line, weBoost, capture existing outdoor signal, transmit it to the booster, and then amplify the cellular signal throughout indoor spaces so that dead zones are a thing of the past. For commercial businesses and buildings, there are cell signal amplifier solutions from Wilson Electronics’ commercial-grade brand, WilsonPro, that can improve cellular signal for entire office buildings, apartment buildings and other large spaces.”

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